Whistleblower Training
Let us help you in understanding and implementing the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Amendments. We are the subject matter experts in the Whistleblower field and have been providing services to organisations for over 20 years. Whether you are a small organisation, a not-for-profit or large multi-national – we can assist you with ensuring the program is embedded and the relevant people understand their role and are equipped to respond appropriately.
Our program is skills-focused, and attendance is recommended for both those seeking to build their foundation skills and those wishing to improve their whistleblower and investigation competencies.
We encourage participants to bring their own valuable experiences and knowledge to discuss during the training. Throughout the training, participants examine case studies and experience role plays and activities to further develop and adopt the learnings.
All participants receive a Learner Resource and all the necessary tools, tips and templates to make a start on their own library of knowledge.
Due to today’s environment, the training is delivered via online platforms including ‘Teams’ where people can participate from different locations and sites including their home.
Denise Parvakis manages all our client awareness training at Stopline. Denise has been instrumental in updating and undertaking the bespoke training for our clients. If you would like to know more about the training, please contact Denise on 1300 30 45 50 or send her an email at denise@stopline.com.au
How to Respond to a Whistleblower Disclosure
This module is geared to equip the staff who are responsible for dealing with disclosures and covers off on the following topics:
The requirements of the Whistleblower Protections Laws
How to equip the organisation for receiving a disclosure
The key roles and responsibilities
What falls within and outside of reportable conduct
What to do when receiving a disclosure
The confidentiality requirements
The requirements in relation to record keeping
When to investigate
Whistleblower care
The principles of natural justice, fair treatment and procedural fairness
Conflict of interest
The whistleblower case flow model
The investigation checklist
It is recommended that participants continue their development and complete the investigation training modules.
Senior Manager/Board Training
It’s vital that Senior Managers and the Board understand their responsibilities as eligible recipients and the responsibilities for the organisation. The topics we deliver include:
The requirements of the Whistleblower Protections Laws
How to equip the organisation for receiving a disclosure
The Leadership team responsibilities
The key roles
What falls within and outside of reportable conduct
What to do when receiving a disclosure
The confidentiality requirements
Legal protections for eligible whistleblowers
The key elements of a successful whistleblower program
The whistleblower case flow model
The type of reporting the board should expect
Employee Awareness Training
Employees need to know what is available to them within the organisation in relation to Whistleblowing. The Employee Awareness Training is designed to provide employees with an overview of the Whistleblower legislation, information in relation to disclosable conduct and how to make a disclosure. The topics we cover are:
The changes to the legislation;
What is and is not disclosable conduct
What is and is not detrimental conduct
The roles of the Whistleblower Disclosure Officers, Whistleblower Investigation Officer and Whistleblower Protection Officer (dependent on the company structure)
The confidentiality provisions;
What does protection of the Whistleblower entail
Whistleblower care
How to make a disclosure
The confidentiality options available to the Whistleblower
Question time
Contact Denise at denise@stopline.com.au or call 1300 30 45 50 for more information and to discuss your training requirements.